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“The US spent 8 decades building an international system of rules, norms and values that has produced the longest period of great power peace and global prosperity in human history.” Fareed Zakaria on how upending the world order will only weaken America:
More of this, please. A LOT more of this, please.
Chatterbox Jazz Club in Indianapolis is the place to be! Be certain you stop by and support them!
I love #econsky. They bring facts that tell us what we should be paying attention to
Going to be some upset companies it it continues
The trade war threatens to decouple the world’s top LNG buyer and seller.
China hasn’t imported LNG from the US for 40 days, the longest gap in almost two years. #EconSky
It's been a long Monday but now at least you're getting a nice cat picture out of it so that's something
#econsky. Add it to your feed
U.S. auto loans applications are being rejected at the highest rate in more than a decade #EconSky
Heard an interesting anecdote today. Friend was up in Canada last weekend and, when entering via the Nexus line, there was a Tesla in front that got grilled for 15min. My friend breezed right through.
It would be *hilarious* if Canadian immigration officials were profiling Tesla drivers.
I’m available for weddings,,, only at this chapel in the woods ⛪️🌲
No they do not, New York Times! This is like writing that Santa Claus has IBS.
!!! NEW: DOJ tells Judge Boasberg that he should CANCEL the 5 p.m. hearing "because there has been no violation of the Court's orders, and because the government is not prepared to disclose any further national security or operational security details."
Hey creative folks, a reminder NOT to feel weird or bad about promoting your new/upcoming work right now. Life is full of chaos; people are looking for new work to relax and restore and escape. And you have that work! Let them know it's there!
IN FACT: Share your latest work in this thread! Do it!
ALGORITHM: It doesnt count as animal abuse content if the animals are abusing each other
ME: Yes thats correct. Thank you for showing me it
weird thing about this framing is that this "personal best" is the second lowest for a president at this stage in their administration. the first is trump in his first term.
new NBC poll shows Trump's approval rating at its highest point ever
Did you know that there’s a foolproof way to make money gambling on boxing 🥊 matches?? 🤯 If you pay one of the boxers to lose the match but you win more betting on the match than you paid them, you are GUARANTEED to make money!! 🤑🤑🤑
The greatest local news story of all time… Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Why Costco’s hot dogs are still $1.50 on today’s Prof G Markets:
Did my women’s bracket,,, letz see if y’all can beat me,!!
Here’s a direct link where you’ll find seeding and a printable PDF if you want to write:
Or you can fill one out virtually
"The reason you should care about this is not that it could happen to you but that it is already happening to others. It is happening to people who, we claim, have rights just because we are human. It is happening to me, personally."
In today’s episode, how is NOAA faring with large-scale layoffs?
Plus, the impact of freezing billions of dollars for sustainable agriculture and conservation.
Listen here 🎧:
Like I consumed this over the weekend, and I highly encourage everyone to read it.
The coverage is treating the book as an expose of Meta culture and execs and while it is that, I think the more interesting parts are in between and focus on global power dynamics 1/
Day 3 of VFX on a joke scene in the video that is just filler and explains nothing but is also not that funny.
Paul Scheer joined me on the Andy Richter Call-In Show to talk DORM ROOM STORIES! You can listen to the episode in my Three Questions with Andy Richter podcast feed or in the SiriusXM App.