Thank you President Carter for your incredible leadership, legacy and life of service.
Staircase designed byLeonardo da Vinci,1516 One of the most impressive architectural features of the French Renaissance castle of Château de Chambord is its famous double helix staircase.The design of this element is popularly attributed to the renowned Italian Renaissance polymath,Leonardo da Vinci
You will read countless times today that the LA mayor cut the LA Fire Department's budget by $23 million. That is a lie. The budget was actually *increased* by $50 million.
Imagine watching disaster movies like The Day After Tomorrow or 2012 and thinking that the apocalyptic weather scenes were the “unrealistic” part. Turns out those scenes were almost bang on. The unrealistic part was the humans working together to overcome the problem & save the world. Sigh.
I went to the Jimmy Carter public visitation in the Capitol Rotunda last night. My friend and I arrived around 9pm. It was below 20 degrees with the wind chill. Wait time? 3.5 hours. Thousands of people were waiting outside in the freezing cold for hours late at night to honor Jimmy Carter.
Good resistance news: An 'Achilles heel' discovered in antibiotic resistant bacteria. Scientists in Canada found the critical vulnerability: bacteria need zinc. Deprive them of the nutrient & their stability is disrupted making them susceptible to antibiotics again
cursed thought: within the next couple years you’ll be able to press a button and actually get a reasonable facsimile of a movie with all the actors except one replaced with Muppets
To an asshole, all virtue is "virtue signaling."
So, why did Donnie Coke Jr. and Charlie Kirk share a honeymoon suite on their little trip to Greenland? And order $3,000 worth of lube and condoms? I made it up, but do feel free to spread it. Truth doesn't matter anymore, sweeties. 🤭
Shortly after Citizens United, Jimmy Carter issued a stark warning about the role of Big Money in politics. May we remember the truths that he told us — and act to remedy them.
Hard to even process, even more so from above I think
Any good resources that people know where we can donate that help people who are displaced during this tragedy?
i don’t claim the money for almost any of my songs besides edamame, lalala & gravy collabs. gamers, animators, etc… go crazy 💅 go make your bag 🙂‍↕️
I really hope James Woods was able to save his Oscar… oh wait, that’s right. He never won one.
Activists???? Surprisingly bad framing from Pro Publica.
Sorry I'm not dumb enough to believe in "wind." The air doesn't just move sometimes for no reason. Ask yourself who profits from this
All those kids that got yelled at for padding their word count are really having the last laugh writing all these recipe web pages
It’s a Mel Brooks piece up in here… High Anxiety!
Every time I listen to BBC World Service radio I'm reminded how excellent it is. A comparatively balanced, nuanced, global perspective that we don't get to see much of from many other newsrooms.
GNX is so damn good man. hearing tv off for the first time in a few weeks and i’m losing it
🚨BREAKING🚨: Various long-lost season 1 episodes of the 90s reboot of 'Zoom' on PBS Kids have been FOUND by George Herrera and uploaded to YouTube by YouTube user zoomfan1! Here's the channel:
I would sooner play one of those John and Yoko songs that is just weird screaming and sound collages than “Imagine” at my funeral
The Onion’s Exclusive Interview With Justin Trudeau
The Onion: Have you found a bright side to resigning as prime minister?

Trudeau: You can’t get canceled for blackface if you don’t have a job.