let me strongly recommend the flu shot to whoever hasn't gotten one for this season. i just had a *terrible* bout with the flu that almost certainly would have been WAY worse had i not been vaccinated
Here is a nice mushroom
This elephant pretends to eat guy's hat..🐘🧢😅
i feel like it's an open question whether or not the flu vaccine will even be available next season
On Friday night, HHS ordered CDC to take down all flu vaccine campaign materials from its website. Materials are starting to come down. For example, a campaign explaining that flu shot can reduce flu severity from "wild to mild" is now offline. Left image is from Friday, right is now Meanwhile...
NBA marketing is embarrassing. It's like they hired 3 agencies and a team of MBAs and had them pitch to a committee that has been there 25 years.
Master Barlowe Model kit Sunday-
I do not think it is going to get this far.
The biggest cage match ever will be between Musk and Trump. Elon will try to implement AI in a manner that automates much of what Trump is now trying to control. Trump will have no understanding of what is going on and will have to turn to the AI oligarchs to support him in this battle.
i got surgery to become a servile 3 1/2 foot tall man so bar stool media will hire me to carry chicken wings around the office on a platter
There's been an uptick of "Who is John Scalzi and why is he in my discover feed," so for the next hour I am running an Ask Me Anything here, drop questions you might have for me in the comments here and I will answer them, usually by quote posting. Go! (If you don't want this, mute me for an hour)
the guy who got caught jacking off during challengers will start a meme investment option thats like vanguards intl equity index but funnier
“The reason we face the worst is because it helps us imagine the best.” What a fantastic, hopeful read. Treat yourself to this, and then spread it around.
I wrote about the worst people in the world, charting the depths of their depravity and vastness of their incompetence, and offered some thoughts about the opportunity presented by their failure to acknowledge reality and their refusal to access any form of human virtue. www.the-reframe.com/the/
film still #50 Adam getting a touch up from Judy.
[Billy Bob Thornton voice] it’s not that no one wants to read anymore, it’s that no one wants to read anything written by a robot with a giant stick up its ass. No one e’er wanted ‘at. You wanna hire,, WALL-EE to write your fuckin posts about both sides a climut change, be mah fuckin’ guest
Is it an exaggeration to call Bob Dylan the greatest American poet? No. He was a phenomenal lyricist:
Something I've not mustered up the courage to talk about because my position in life is obviously quite good is that the core tenet of being a Midwesterner, and one which I continue to ascribe to and has never served me wrong, is simple: Interrogate your wants so hard you reject a solid majority.
Even though his Reagan prank arguably went too far, I still think it’s rude of SNL to not bring back original cast member John Hinckley Jr. for the 50th anniversary
Frogsong: A heartfelt adventure where it's okay to be small. brodnork.itch.io/frogsong by
Back on my BS about the institutional press: Here’s Stephen Miller on what’s happening at the border, speaking from the Oval:
Major news Atlanta! Puddles Pity Party will be joining us for a very special song on Monday... at Terminal West... see you there! timheidecker.com/live
I’ve had some posts blow up recently. Not sure how THAT happens. 1. Anything trans related will inevitable attract the worst people. I block but get tired and shut down replies. 2. People don’t read. They respond to the gist but don’t pay attention to any nuance. I guess that isn’t a surprise.
Ticket shop is up! Remember that you have until the end of the month to submit a talk, workshop or showcase here: talks.godotengine.org/godotcon-us-...
spent most of the day trying to understand the proof of Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein and i think i almost get it, it’s kind of like stitching?