That’s right. 🇺🇦
love this We need more proposals like this that co-opt the chaos Please share off line as well !!!
My prediction is that they will fuck up the mail soon. I also predict that it will not be a popular move.
Today's blue sky is in the Bahamas.
inaccurate headline. absolutely no proof he welcomed this baby. chances that he's seen this baby longer than how many seconds i looked at the last eclipse are ~4%.
Here are some nice mushrooms
Everybody is so touched by this anglerfish coming to see the light and I’m over here like “actually you are deeply misunderstanding the sensorium of deep sea creatures and that girl was blinded way before she got to the surface.”
A really clarifying question that I think should be asked of basically every politician out there is "what do you imagine power to be and why do you want it?"
Yall better be both sharing the Stand up for Science posts /and/ figuring out how to get your butt to one of them!
Was there ever a bigger Trumpian ass-kisser than Marco Rubio? Possibly only J.D. Vance, who is on record saying he might have to "hold his nose and vote for Hlilary."
Ridiculous that in 97 years they’ve never given an Academy Award to the single most important person on every film: whoever takes the lens cap off
Wow if this turns out to be an advanced inside tip from someone, it's going to really set back the years of progress the crypto community have made in carefully establishing a reputation for trust and trans- Nah, I'm just kidding, this just tracks. See you at the next pump and dump everyone!
Most of what we call "tech" is about getting the right information into a database and trying to prevent the wrong person from reading or updating it.
Sure, everyone loves Conan’s Kendrick/Drake joke, but I hope he realizes that he’ll never be asked to host a Degrassi reunion now
the thing about “democrats should take popular cultural positions” is that what constitutes popular is a function of an interaction between the public and elites. if a faction of elites start screaming about a vulnerable minority and another faction says they have a point, this shapes the public.
In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she’d vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too “unpopular." "You can go right to heck. I don’t think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"
The followers-only reply setting appears to be improving my experience here a lot! However I do think I'll have to also turn off quote-posts whenever I exercise that option. They remain pretty weird when the post escapes containment.
This is just a game for Elon, but the consequences for families in Oregon and across the country are real and dire. His purge of the federal government is going to make life harder and more expensive for all of us.
Virtually every comment in today's ISM manufacturing report is someone expressing concern about the tariffs
The Moon Looks Beautiful Tonight: Two girls must travel to the moon's core to fix its broken heart. by @mokadevs
After Next Fest, ready to sit down and read? Steam Visual Novel Fest has something from every genre and every style; discounts galore on everything from steampunk mysteries to beach-side romances. Now until March 10!