Dear Dems. This is a reminder that Donald Trump rescinded the ethics rules preventing gifts to executive branch employees. Now would be a good time to propose legislation formalizing the prevention into a law Time to do things that make him react to you.
Here are some nice mushrooms
MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS THIS WEEK 1. Consciousness 2. Respiration 3. I petted several cats 4. Consumed pizza 5. Strategic AND tactical napping
Hero we all need but don't deserve..🐶
I still can’t get over how shitty Kanye’s swastika T-shirts were. I washed mine ONCE and it shrunk two sizes. This country is going down the tubes.
I wish I could tell the moon how much I like it
Making a mental list of podcasters I'd rather have as deputy director of the FBI
Can’t believe this guy is Deputy Director of the FBI now
being obsessed with IQ is a good sign that you have nothing in your life to give you actual meaning. (also a good sign you have bell curve-esque beliefs about human equality)
Coming around to the view that a certain kind of narcissist simply needs Musk to be a genius rather than a fraud, because they want to believe there’s a hereditary Brahmin class of accomplished, beautiful minds—and that they’re a part of that class.
Happening everywhere
The young vote in Germany, by gender. 😳
Today- Hoy- An old Screamin’ Mars Attacks Topps model kit. Un modelo muy viejo de la serie de cartas ilustradas de Mars Attacks
Last October, we took a trip to the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon, for a daylong exploration of lichen—the fuzzy growths often found on trees, roofs, and gravestones. Two experts joined us to discuss the fascinating world of lichen and their role in a changing climate.
I am occasionally asked how I've amassed followers on Bluesky when I clearly don't engage in a "follow to get followed" scheme, and here are my best answers: 1. I'm (mostly) an interesting follow; 2. I'm notable outside the service; 3. Early adopter; 4. BLOOD SACRIFICE TO THE DREAD BLUESKY GODS
10:00 am PST model kit painting starts. 10:00 am hora de Occidente empezamos a pintar
I think explained this problem really well. I genuinely hate “going viral” here 🙃
Replies to this are a great reminder of why I don’t use this app 🙃
I know it is small potatoes, but I have an order stuck in customs from AliExpress since February 8th. 🙄
'There _is_ Mike on other planets', exclaims this U.S. print ad for Acclaim's Space Jam game, circa 1996. [Ad via the VGHF Library.]
Knicks need to figure out how to beat this team
Can you opt out of your posts appearing on “Discovery” for people who don’t follow you?