every single public facing person in this administration is just a different variation on baghdad bob
Kevin Hassett suggests Canadian authorities are covering up major fentanyl operations: "I can tell you that in the situation room I've seen photographs of fentanyl labs in Canada that the law enforcement folks were leaving alone. Canada's got a big drug problem."
Me looking at news for the first time after a week at sea
Here is a nice mushroom
I've seen a few "actually, a lot of dems are really good at the internet, they just aren't getting attention" please give me non-AOC, non-Bernie examples so that I can educate myself. I will say though, being good at the internet MEANS GETTING ATTENTION.
Home and absolutely exhausted from travel. Charlie appears vaguely surprised I am still alive.
Man, Huey Lewis lived a LIFE.
I remember one time I went to a restaurant and it just ended up being in somebody’s house and the family tried to figure out what was wrong with their oven while I sat in their living room. 5 out of 5 would repeat.
NEW: NYT asks Judge Ho to unseal newly filed govt exhibits in Eric Adams case that purport to show "troubling conduct" of SDNY prosecutors: "It is hard to imagine a circumstance in which the public interest would be higher and the privacy interest lower." storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.us...
My 4 year old nephew just pointed at my face and asked "what happened?" This may be the sickest burn I have ever received.
I spoke after Pedro Pascal and was asked to “cool down” the ladies. Mission. Accomplished.
Why don’t they make the whole plane crash out of eggs so we don’t have them anymore?
You will know I’ve struck it rich by my posse of otters
We've reduced intelligence to what people can do with computers, which is fueling the current hype cycle.
CHERRY BLOSSOM feed! bsky.app/profile/did:...
spring flowers spotted some cherry blossoms, plum blossoms, peach blossoms around Kanto area
Fellow parents of young ‘uns: My 4YO just loved the three Wild Robot books, and was very sad to find out there aren’t any more. So what’s good to read next? This is what he loved: Roz the Robot who cares for animals and is always kind and brave, the animals, and Big Battles with bad robots.
Scientists analyzed thousands of bird sounds from all over the world to try to peck out some kernels of knowledge about what determines a bird’s vocal range and the sounds that they make.
Had a great game if 40K vs. my son Noah today and my Black Templars managed a rare win.
Nobody says “well well”* anymore as an improvised interjection in songs anymore. Singers, let’s change that. *a single “well” or a “well well well” are included
I used to work with some guys who right now would be like, “ok, so we need to quickly pivot to making a movie about a cat who must become an escort when Brighton Beach floods. And maybe it’s also a website where people can see all their social media at once.”
Whenever I post about something political, people often write incredibly irate replies addressing "you" meaning the subject of the post (not me, the author of the post). I usually figure it out only after feeling kinda yucky for a second. And then I do it all over again on the next comment.