This is a bigger issue than people realize. Not just jobs lost. But their families losing benefits. Landlords losing tenants. Cities and towns losing revenue. This is how recessions start Ready Fire Aim is no way to govern.
More accurate, fewer words; "There are plenty of contractors going under". A friend furloughed 75% of staff (furlough w/paying for health insurance for three months), 50% exec pay cut, 25% rest of staff to keep as many people w/salary. PS: Wasn't 18F a government office, not a contractor.
We are experiencing an assault on science unparalleled by anything I’ve seen in my life. It’s not one issue or another anymore, the entire institution is under attack by the most powerful individuals in the country. This Friday, where will you be?
Welcome to the Bluesky account for Stand Up for Science 2025! Keep an eye on this space for updates, event information, and ways to get involved. We can't wait to see everyone #standupforscience2025 on March 7th, both in DC and locations nationwide! #scienceforall #sciencenotsilence
The lilac-breasted roller is a gorgeous, but highly aggressive bird from Africa. (Photo: Sharifa Jinnah)
Here are some nice mushrooms
The disabled 500 pound lion and his unlikely Dachshund friends who have been inseparable ever since the lion was a cub.
i am reading an analysis of john yoo’s work justifying unilateral presidential authority over foreign affairs when he was in the bush OLC, and i am once again struck by shoddy dishonesty of his output! he moves as close as you can to just making stuff up without fully crossing the line.
A word about Conan O’Brien, who I’m lucky enough to know a little bit. He is extremely funny and has drawn people to him his whole life by his talent. But he is also amazingly kind, generous and collaborative. He gave dozens of people a start or a second chance. What’s Irish for mensch?
The hotel body wash is sage-scented so now I smell like a Thanksgiving turkey, how is your morning going
Folks, look, I don't really want to be the guy taking up the mantle on this but until this is more commonly understood I will be a little cranky about it.
If you cannot stop yourself from being triggered into a combative response before you even look at the profile of the person you're gonna reply to to maybe try and piece together even the faintest hint of context, then I don't want you in my space. I want to be able to shut the door.
On the plane yesterday, sat next to a European couple living in the US, and the topic of whether they were thinking of returning to Europe came up. One of them noted they felt safer here because "you have oceans." But the general agreement was that right now there's probably nowhere truly safe.
Might actually have to watch the Oscar’s or at least the opening ; I’m a Conan head, team coco
Something I removed from my latest video which I now regret removing was the fact that YouTube uploaders can choose to prevent a video from appearing in the Subscriptions feed. If we uncheck "Publish to subscriptions feed and notify subscribers" during the upload process... it won't go to subs.
Our boy’s getting worried…
remember when this guy covered up a brutal police killing? i do!
An early remake, Dune 2000 updated Westwood's 1992 PC RTS pioneer Dune II "for the new millennium." [Ad via the VGHF Library collection.]
Love Is Blind shelling out for real music this season—I can't believe they got Pachelbel's Canon!
I’ve built a lot of shit huh
some projects - unduck - material theme (but i won't sue you) - t3 chat - chrometana - uploadthing - paycheck for x (formerly twitter) extension - buzzoff extension (not available anymore)