Bluesky has now replaced twitter as the top platform for finding out if there was an earthquake in LA
love this We need more proposals like this that co-opt the chaos Please share off line as well !!!
In advance of the Oscars tonight: a lot of comedy heroes let you down. They become unfunny/bitter/closed minded. Conan is the exception. He has grown & evolved & is funnier than he’s ever been. He’s also an extremely kind and lovely human. Just a sincere post to say: Conan rules.
Good morning, Bluesky. Please enjoy these flowers from my cabin. As a reminder, this week, I'm on vacation and updates will be sporadic and mostly will have pretty pictures. I am not keeping up with what's going on in the outside world this week. There is no world, only boat. Boat is boat.
Here are some nice mushrooms
I was trying to teach Orin a lesson about the world today and I asked, “what percent of earth’s land is our country.” And he stood there and thought for a second and said, “Like three percent?” And I was like, “well, pretty much yeah 😒.” He’s getting too old, I need new tricks.
A really clarifying question that I think should be asked of basically every politician out there is "what do you imagine power to be and why do you want it?"
I’m sure it’ll work out great this time!
"Wall Street is once again creating and selling securities backed by everything—the more creative the better...Data-center bonds are backed by lease payments from companies that rent out computing capacity."
I hope Brazil will make history tonight.
I wrote about why the most important Oscar nominee is the movie about how living under authoritarian rule can feel surprisingly normal.
Ridiculous that in 97 years they’ve never given an Academy Award to the single most important person on every film: whoever takes the lens cap off
the thing about “democrats should take popular cultural positions” is that what constitutes popular is a function of an interaction between the public and elites. if a faction of elites start screaming about a vulnerable minority and another faction says they have a point, this shapes the public.
In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she’d vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too “unpopular." "You can go right to heck. I don’t think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"
“Ohgoddammit” - a salmon the moment they jump out of the water to see a big fat bear waiting for them
Might actually have to watch the Oscar’s or at least the opening ; I’m a Conan head, team coco
Walter ganhou!! Brasil ganhou!!
This blowing smoke up every nominated ass is so necessary, these poor people never get flattered
The Moon Looks Beautiful Tonight: Two girls must travel to the moon's core to fix its broken heart. by @mokadevs
What is the biggest misconception about vaping?
🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 !!!!!!!