Looks like Trumpty-Dumpty had a great fall Splat! From the wall [street] See what I did there?
one of the things i truly believe is that a significant portion of this country is in the grip of a death cult
"The vaccination has stuff we don't trust," said the father of the 6-year-old girl who died from measles at the end of last month. Tom Bartlett visited with a family confronting an unthinkable tragedy:
Grateful for Bluesky today!
Our parents taught us that rather than speaking ill and being judgemental, a much better approach to life and relationships is to look for the best in people. It’s a lesson I have carried with me ever since. Heres’ my thoughts on the power of kindness: bit.ly/3QXs6vI
Every few years, we sign up for yet another platform just to keep in touch with our friends. Private platforms have locked users in for too long, causing a lack of innovation & competition in social media. Bluesky aims to fundamentally change this. Live in 20 min with :
Stupid: hurting others while hurting yourself.
Good night, Bluesky. Sleep well. Here is Spice to keep you company until we meet again.
It’s amazing to find out at this late date how much the rule of law depended on people simply deciding, on a voluntary, daily basis, not to break the law.
One thing that the general public is not that aware of re: Tesla is that *they do not manufacture their own battery cells* They lease space in their factories for third-parties such as Panasonic. A lot of people invested in Tesla because they thought Tesla was vertically integrated re: the cells.
Here are some nice mushrooms
Well caring deeply about politics turned out to be a mistake. Time to instead become emotionally invested in a field where I’ll never be let down: sports
We simply cannot allow our increasing comfort with the word “butt” obviate our need for adorable, polite regional synonyms! We have to fight for “heinie”! Protect “tush” at all costs!! Don’t let “derrière” slip away into the cold, dark night…
Also make sure to visit What The Fuck Are You Looking At? eyeglass emporiums.
From the people who brought you Bullshirts! haberdasheries and This Blows! vape stores.
Happy Anniversary to the Engineer, created by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch, who you can see played to sinister perfection by puppy in human form Gaby de Faria in this July! 🦾
Something I love about Patreon is that it’s a good alternative for creators to earn income instead of doing ads, which results in MORE ART instead of more ads If you haven’t looked at Patreon yet I’ll list some folks I’m subbed to below, and feel free to look at mine 😁 Patreon.com/luke_venechuk
Is it me or did the latest IOS make Siri’s voice flirtier?
❤️ Doing it for the graph.
Speaking at in conversation with soon — 1pm in Ballroom D!
A Physical Education in Publishers Weekly, count it ✨✨✨ www.publishersweekly.com/9781538773253
Jon Gabrus joined the Andy Richter Call-In Show for an episode of Bodily Function Disasters! You can listen to this episode right now in my Three Questions with Andy Richter podcast feed or on the SiriusXM app.
Leap Year: March: More clumsy platforming about knowledge and discovery managore.itch.io/leap-year-ma... by