It's official: The lunatics are now running the asylum.
Nebraska is going to get crushed between Tariffs and Medicaid cuts. They have to balance their state budget and it looks like at least a 200m shortfall this year. BEFORE tariff impacts. And Nebraska Republicans here ! Curious what you think
every single public facing person in this administration is just a different variation on baghdad bob
Kevin Hassett suggests Canadian authorities are covering up major fentanyl operations: "I can tell you that in the situation room I've seen photographs of fentanyl labs in Canada that the law enforcement folks were leaving alone. Canada's got a big drug problem."
Luke and Turbo explore a late-winter forest and find some tiny-yellow-jelly-somethings growing on a stick under a blue sky
Today's blue sky, plus an airport
I remember one time I went to a restaurant and it just ended up being in somebody’s house and the family tried to figure out what was wrong with their oven while I sat in their living room. 5 out of 5 would repeat.
Home and absolutely exhausted from travel. Charlie appears vaguely surprised I am still alive.
My 4 year old nephew just pointed at my face and asked "what happened?" This may be the sickest burn I have ever received.
“New York City. Center of the Universe. Times are…”
We've reduced intelligence to what people can do with computers, which is fueling the current hype cycle.
Why don’t they make the whole plane crash out of eggs so we don’t have them anymore?
Yellow baby tiny things
The world apparently just hates my car.
You will know I’ve struck it rich by my posse of otters
Happy Birthday to my great friend and great actor Edi Gathegi, who you can see in all his technological glory in in July!
A massive assault on the first amendment is well underway. The GOP pretends to stand for free speech even as they take unprecedented steps to undermine it.
New, from me: you were told that the threats to free speech came from wokeness. Some compared it to Maoist China. Now we are witnessing government power being used to silence dissent and censor ideas. Now we know what real society-wide chilling effects look like. 🧵
The Des Moines Airport is giving Burbank a run for the “chill, no hassle airport hub” sweepstakes.
spring flowers spotted some cherry blossoms, plum blossoms, peach blossoms around Kanto area
I'm sure the Free Speech Warriors are all over this. Oh wait sorry I was huffing paint, I forgot for three seconds that they are craven grifters with less intellectual consistency than Charles Manson getting offered a record deal.
There is a real, genuine 1st Amendment crisis in the United States right now. The government is openly retaliating against anyone with a viewpoint it doesn't like: Pro-Palestinian protesters, law schools teaching Black History, pro-immigration public service loan forgiveness seekers.
Scientists analyzed thousands of bird sounds from all over the world to try to peck out some kernels of knowledge about what determines a bird’s vocal range and the sounds that they make.
Yes, but also, an acknowledgement that government income could actually be increased substantially through returning to a tax structure at least a tiny bit closer to the post-war era would be nice, too.
If the Democrats can't bring themselves to say "government spending is good, actually" in this precise moment, then they really are cooked and all need to be replaced.
Had a great game if 40K vs. my son Noah today and my Black Templars managed a rare win.