Everything stated in this post is a provable fact. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts. Looking at YOU, 2020 election-deniers.
for every 50 likes i’ll photoshop betty white into movies she wasn’t really in.
Venus and the Moon looking lovely tonight! (And fainter Saturn nearby)
ok so in the end the cybertruck explosion story has a lot of pretty dark elements that reflect really poorly on american culture, but I think we can all admit that it's a little funny that the guy clearly plugged the wrong las vegas into google maps
Blue Jays in the midst of some Blue Jay drama
About me: I have never seen a John Wick movie because I know what happens to the dog in the first one and I'm just not strong enough.
Happy Birthday to Caitlin "Cait" O'Riordan, bass guitar player for the Irish punk/folk band the Pogues and later bass player with Elvis Costello, born on this day in 1965, Lagos, Nigeria Photo by Bob Gallagher
If this cartoon is available, would like to publish it on its site. If not, I hope would be willing to create another one for Democracy Docket to publish. anntelnaes.substack.com/p/why-im-qui...
If you’re creating new Popeye work be careful - although the character is now in the public domain, his iconic catchphrase “I’ll fuck anything that moves” won’t enter the public domain till 2032
Still think episode 6 of Andor is some of the best Star Wars ever. Just everything about it is jaw dropping.
Something about the tempo and chord progression in NIN Closer makes me feel like someone should dance to it like this
Def Leppard is nominated for a Gunter Glieben Glauchen Globe for Most Sugar Poured On Me
Folks: please be diligent about not disseminating Ann Telnaes' cartoon in a way that she's not getting the clicks on it (until she says differently). Her IP matters now more than ever. Make it go viral but make sure she benefits. anntelnaes.substack.com/p/why-im-qui...
Sometimes I get the feeling "I'd like to watch a movie" but what I'm actually feeling is "I should watch DREDD (2012) starring Keith Urban and Lena Headey"
Not seeing nearly enough tribute being paid to Barbara Lee, as she concludes her tenure in the Congress
I want Fassbender’s apartment in The Agency.
It will never cease to amaze me the weird things people will find to be mad at you for on social media. But what’s even weirder is that they’ll take time out of their lives to tell you all about it.
In other news, FURIOSA is on Netflix. I thought it was very solid and it will probably be appreciated more at home and without being compared to FURY ROAD. (Two different movies.) Great world building in this one and explains Furiosa's rage and purpose.
Beach leading to diving pier, sun low overhead (2pm in these northern climes) with  Clare across the Bay. Water is still, almost metallic in its reflectivity. Despite the date, a few swimmers visible.
“As an editorial cartoonist, my job is to hold powerful people and institutions accountable. For the first time, my editor prevented me from doing that job. So I have decided to leave the Washington Post” — Ann Telnaes, after drawing this cartoon, which included the image of a supplicant Jeff Bezos