One of my companies informed me they cancelled a $2m conference in Florida. Why ? They didn’t feel they could pass on the incremental cost of tariffs. So they are cutting expenses. That’s a city that lost a ton of tourism revenue. The cost of tariffs isn’t just the cost of the tariff
Looks like Trumpty-Dumpty had a great fall Splat! From the wall [street] See what I did there?
keeping a tab open watching tesla stock and it might be the best mood enhancer i've ever experienced
It’s amazing to find out at this late date how much the rule of law depended on people simply deciding, on a voluntary, daily basis, not to break the law.
One thing that the general public is not that aware of re: Tesla is that *they do not manufacture their own battery cells* They lease space in their factories for third-parties such as Panasonic. A lot of people invested in Tesla because they thought Tesla was vertically integrated re: the cells.
UPDATE on Mahmoud Khalil from his lawyers and his wife: "Today I spoke to Mahmoud and he is healthy and his spirits are undaunted by his predicament." (Legal team now includes ACLU, CCR.)
1. Amazingly prolific and important columnist deserving of much more respect. 2. Spiking is one thing — it’s their paper, so they can make stupid decisions all day long — but not explaining the spike to someone like her is chickenshit move of an inept leader. 3. They don’t care. 4. Call me, Jeff.
In a note to colleagues, WaPo’s Ruth Marcus says she resigned from the paper after CEO Will Lewis killed a column she wrote expressing concern about the direction of the paper’s opinion section
“Oh my GOD the cast we’ve assembled for this film! Peter Gallagher! John Lithgow! Frances McDormand! Top shelf! We need a title that befits their level of respect!” “Don’t worry, it’s covered.”
Luke and Turbo explore a late-winter forest and find some tiny-yellow-jelly-somethings growing on a stick under a blue sky
Oh man. He was always just a wonderfully kind person and I’ve read him for 20 years. What a loss.
Home and absolutely exhausted from travel. Charlie appears vaguely surprised I am still alive.
Stocks are getting crushed
Wait the crazy religion they made up for Conclave is actually real???
Is it me or did the latest IOS make Siri’s voice flirtier?
On the anniversary of Lobo, I can't help but think of a text I received from Jason Momoa on the morning it was announced Peter & I were the heads of DC Studios…
The Des Moines Airport is giving Burbank a run for the “chill, no hassle airport hub” sweepstakes.
📢 App Version 1.99 is rolling out now (1/5) With every update, we’re aiming to make the Internet less toxic, more fun, and more in your control. • 3 minute videos! • A separate request inbox for DMs from unknown users • Mute accounts more quickly
When you're google-street-view-jumping along a route and it suddenly flings you to the oncoming side of the street... very scary.
Happy Birthday to my great friend and great actor Edi Gathegi, who you can see in all his technological glory in in July!
❤️ Doing it for the graph.
Speaking at in conversation with soon — 1pm in Ballroom D!
Had a great game if 40K vs. my son Noah today and my Black Templars managed a rare win.
Jon Gabrus joined the Andy Richter Call-In Show for an episode of Bodily Function Disasters! You can listen to this episode right now in my Three Questions with Andy Richter podcast feed or on the SiriusXM app.