We are experiencing an assault on science unparalleled by anything I’ve seen in my life. It’s not one issue or another anymore, the entire institution is under attack by the most powerful individuals in the country. This Friday, where will you be? standupforscience2025.org
Welcome to the Bluesky account for Stand Up for Science 2025! Keep an eye on this space for updates, event information, and ways to get involved. We can't wait to see everyone #standupforscience2025 on March 7th, both in DC and locations nationwide! #scienceforall #sciencenotsilence
The lilac-breasted roller is a gorgeous, but highly aggressive bird from Africa. (Photo: Sharifa Jinnah)
A small, colorful bird with vibrant plumage in shades of blue, purple, pink, and brown is perched on a branch. The bird has a fluffy appearance, with its eyes closed, giving it a calm and serene expression. Its beak is small and black, and its feathers transition smoothly between colors, creating a striking visual contrast against the blurred green background.
Here are some nice mushrooms
A pair of fuzzy orange mock oyster mushrooms grow on the side of a burnt log, its charred wood provides lots of little crevices to emerge from. All photos by me
A word about Conan O’Brien, who I’m lucky enough to know a little bit. He is extremely funny and has drawn people to him his whole life by his talent. But he is also amazingly kind, generous and collaborative. He gave dozens of people a start or a second chance. What’s Irish for mensch?
Folks, look, I don't really want to be the guy taking up the mantle on this but until this is more commonly understood I will be a little cranky about it.
If you cannot stop yourself from being triggered into a combative response before you even look at the profile of the person you're gonna reply to to maybe try and piece together even the faintest hint of context, then I don't want you in my space. I want to be able to shut the door.
Follow me on TikTok if you want videos that are a little sillier and a little more informative 🫶 tiktok.com/@lukevenechuk?_t=ZT-8uLjm4yg2Vm&_r=1
On the plane yesterday, sat next to a European couple living in the US, and the topic of whether they were thinking of returning to Europe came up. One of them noted they felt safer here because "you have oceans." But the general agreement was that right now there's probably nowhere truly safe.
Might actually have to watch the Oscar’s or at least the opening ; I’m a Conan head, team coco
Something I removed from my latest video which I now regret removing was the fact that YouTube uploaders can choose to prevent a video from appearing in the Subscriptions feed. If we uncheck "Publish to subscriptions feed and notify subscribers" during the upload process... it won't go to subs.
An early remake, Dune 2000 updated Westwood's 1992 PC RTS pioneer Dune II "for the new millennium." [Ad via the VGHF Library collection.]
Love Is Blind shelling out for real music this season—I can't believe they got Pachelbel's Canon!
I too am being afflicted by the ghost DM notification helppp
Bluesky posts about the ghost DM notification that won't go away:
—This incorrect DM notification needs to fuck all the way off.
—Confirming this. I tested the bug yesterday and it seems to specifically hit only the most recently-active DM thread, and only if it has not been replied to. Under those conditions, generates a false notification upon app reload.
—I'm also experiencing the DM notification that doesn't go away even though the messages have been read (I sent a bug report).
—i think i have a phantom DM because my Chat tab keeps occasionally lighting up with a new notification briefly before it disappears, and I have no updates in any of my visible DMs
—Does anyone here have a big issue where your message tab has an unanswered notification stating you got a DM, only to find out that your DM's are already read but somehow persist with every refresh?
—I have some weird glitch where every time I refresh the page a DM notification shows up and then goes away, and I don't have any new DMs. Driving me insane