Dear Dems. This is a reminder that Donald Trump rescinded the ethics rules preventing gifts to executive branch employees. Now would be a good time to propose legislation formalizing the prevention into a law Time to do things that make him react to you.
Perfect shot! 📸: Steve Woods Photography
Photographer captures the real-life Jaws image 📸: Euan Rannachan
Here are some nice mushrooms
i think this is basically what has happened a big chunk of the american pundit class
One of my best friends is from a sleepy, wealthy small town in the south-west of Germany. He said, so many of my parents’ neighbours are rich and bored, with little to complain about, and they’ve radicalised themselves at dinner parties and online. In their aimlessness, they’ve bonded over hate.
Hero we all need but don't deserve..🐶
I still can’t get over how shitty Kanye’s swastika T-shirts were. I washed mine ONCE and it shrunk two sizes. This country is going down the tubes.
I wish I could tell the moon how much I like it
Can’t believe this guy is Deputy Director of the FBI now
In celebration of the 85th anniversary of Lex Luthor here’s an exclusive photo of Nicholas Hoult as Lex in our upcoming movie, . Photo by Stef Ceretti.
Happening everywhere
The young vote in Germany, by gender. 😳
Today- Hoy- An old Screamin’ Mars Attacks Topps model kit. Un modelo muy viejo de la serie de cartas ilustradas de Mars Attacks
Last October, we took a trip to the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon, for a daylong exploration of lichen—the fuzzy growths often found on trees, roofs, and gravestones. Two experts joined us to discuss the fascinating world of lichen and their role in a changing climate.
Almost 30 years and I still love drawing these nerds.
10:00 am PST model kit painting starts. 10:00 am hora de Occidente empezamos a pintar
'There _is_ Mike on other planets', exclaims this U.S. print ad for Acclaim's Space Jam game, circa 1996. [Ad via the VGHF Library.]
I know it is small potatoes, but I have an order stuck in customs from AliExpress since February 8th. 🙄
Knicks need to figure out how to beat this team
Can you opt out of your posts appearing on “Discovery” for people who don’t follow you?
one interesting difference in writing proofs in Lean vs regular programming is that proofs are *very* amenable to subdivision. since there are no side effects or mutation, you can subdivide a proof into parts before writing the actual logic and solve them in any order, even inside-out