The Revolution will be AI-icized
are anyone else’s kids disturbed by the idea of the tooth fairy? my six year old lost a tooth and requested we place it on the counter downstairs because he doesn’t want the tooth fairy to enter his room, and my three year old outright told us to keep the tooth fairy away from her
I heard my friend Dan here give a remarkable brief talk about this last month. Thankfully, he’s written it up at length to share.
In light of everything happening, I wrote about how the KKK in the 1920s felt unstoppable, about the people that fought against them anyway, and about how fascism always fails.…
Here are some nice mushrooms
One nice thing about foraging compared to other hobbies is that no one spends $10,000 on stuff for it
The thing is, when we had high marginal tax rates on the rich, the rich still had yachts and second and third houses and fancy vacations and really good schools for their kids, so, yes, I think most people who are really very rich would do just fine, and the rest of the US would do better than now.
You are a beneficiary of Republican tax cuts then? How would you feel about bringing the 94% tax rates on the rich, back again? I understand in today's dollars, the 94% will kick in above $3 million a year. Could you maintain your lifestyle on $3 million a year? Could Musk?
Making a mental list of podcasters I'd rather have as deputy director of the FBI
Can’t believe this guy is Deputy Director of the FBI now
Today- Hoy- An old Screamin’ Mars Attacks Topps model kit. Un modelo muy viejo de la serie de cartas ilustradas de Mars Attacks
Next Fest is back! For the next week, try out thousands of demos for upcoming games of all kinds - from hardcore survival shooters to cute sims, there's something for everyone in Next Fest. Wishlist your favorites and get to the demos while they last!
This one is in my top 5
Have had this on my wall for many years. Thank you!
jesus christ
Trump just announced Fox host Dan Bongino as his pick for deputy FBI director. Yes. Dan Bongino.
Typically good thread/summary by Mark, showing again that first, most SCOTUS cases are not about the huge issues that get attention, and second, perhaps because of that, the Court sometimes divides in unexpected ways.
No new grants—but a lot of action—on the Supreme Court's orders list today. First, Thomas renews his call to overturn the Feres doctrine, which bars servicemembers from suing the government over injuries "incidental" to their service. (I think he's right.)
'There _is_ Mike on other planets', exclaims this U.S. print ad for Acclaim's Space Jam game, circa 1996. [Ad via the VGHF Library.]
I know it is small potatoes, but I have an order stuck in customs from AliExpress since February 8th. 🙄
Knicks need to figure out how to beat this team
Another dev has slain the OAuth dragon! This time with and done in such a way that apps can be hosted on static sites like pages.
took way to long but finally got bluesky client side oauth with a static sveltekit build working thanks to atcute, was fighting alot with the official oath-client-browser package before... now i can finally make bluesky stuff - hosted statically on github pages - where people can login
Great guest contribution to the Odd Lots newsletter from Neil Dutta of Renaissance Macro why downside risks are emerging for the US economy. Sub to the newsletter here:
Can you opt out of your posts appearing on “Discovery” for people who don’t follow you?
Tomorrow is the Final Night of the Slipping Away Tour! Happy AND Sad... Phoenix, see you there. w/ the great Fred Armisen
in the short run, society is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine
The Supper: New Blood Demo: Do you hear the doorbell, Stewie?
one interesting difference in writing proofs in Lean vs regular programming is that proofs are *very* amenable to subdivision. since there are no side effects or mutation, you can subdivide a proof into parts before writing the actual logic and solve them in any order, even inside-out