Here are some nice mushrooms
A family of bright orange and slippery shiny enoki mushrooms grow on the side of a moss topped log in a bare winter forest
Johnson will this year, reap what he’s sown. I bet he doesn’t last long as speaker until he is mccarthy’ed
Normally, outside cameras aren’t allowed in Congress. But remember when it took Kevin McCarthy 15 votes to scrape together a Speaker win in 2023, and we watched the chaos unfold live? That was thanks to C-SPAN bringing their own cameras—and they’ll be back at it again today. 🍿 🍿 🍿
Another view of Lake Crescent, WA
What a privilege to quietly share this moment with this mother fox and her kit.
What a privilege to quietly share this moment with this mother fox and her kit. Photo taken with a 600mm lens, we kept our distances in the trees.
My phone has returned from the repair shop which fixed its previously shattered screen, and so to reinaugurate it back into service, the first picture taken with it is of course of a cat.
Spice, mleming her way through a Friday morning.
When God closes a door, his cat meows at him until he opens it again.
The Ronald McDonald that we know and love today was largely the invention of the McDonald's corporation
Thank you for everything that you did, Rep. Katie Porter. We can’t wait to see what you do next! 🙏💜
Completely made up movies I enjoyed this year: The Big Lives of Small Things The Two Jasons A Distracted Life The Glass Hammer Wet Shoes Little Becky Duck Duck Doom The Breathening Cole & Dusty The Call of Night My Favorite Day (Wednesday) Elephant Man 2: Merrick’s Revenge The Smell of My Date Tree
Daniel Perry and Kyle Rittenhouse should be in prison. Travon Martin Jordan Neely Breonna Taylor Travin Martin Tamir Rice Kendrick Johnson Mike Brown Eric Garner And 100s of others should be ALIVE!
"Look I'm not gonna say how many pieces of silver they gave me, ok? It's alot. ALOT. Believe me. People come up and say 'sir, sir, it's so many pieces of silver.' But these Pharisees are fantastic guys. Not like Crooked Christ."
'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go' by Wham was released nearer to the end of the Second World War than to today. Happy New Year everyone!
First clear night in forever, and little Moon, so I pointed the Origin 🔭 for three hours on this beautiful lesser-known star-forming region NGC 7822. Note the cluster of stars on the right, whose radiation and winds are sculpting the gas cloud into fantastic shapes and making it glow.
On an island in an ocean
Last year a private equity firm bought up 29 nursing homes in Iowa for $85 million. The firm has been fined 17x more than one facility's previous owner — including for one instance where a resident choked to death. Private equity has no place in our health care system.
French scientists studying H5N1 bird flu prevalence in cats found 13 out of 578 blood samples positive. "Potentially, it amounts to thousands or tens of thousands of cats that could have been infected in France."
I think the looming chaos of, well, everything, has distracted most people from paying tribute to how colossally the last GOP House wasted all their time and a lot of taxpayer $$.